juntenen late woodland ceramics
The Woodland Period Occupation of Grand Island (Sean Dunham ...
Feb 12, 2005 . Unlike the spring spawning season, the cooler weather of the late fall and . Cordmarked pottery and Juntunen-style triangular projectile points .
A Most Indispensable Art: Native Fiber Industries from Eastern North ...
Fiber Industries from the Boucher Site: An Early Woodland Cemetery in . Upper Great Lakes: A Late Woodland Case Study from the Juntunen Site (Hamilton, . Old Tale: Analysis of Cordage Impressions on Late Woodland Ceramics from the .
ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Sociology and ...
Lab 7: Blinman (1993), Anasazi pottery, Expedition 35:14-22 . 1967 The Juntunen Site and the Late Woodland Prehistory of the Upper Great Lakes. Area.
Most Indispensable Art: Native Fiber Industries Eastern North ...
An Early Woodland Cemetery in Northwestern Vermont. 50 . Mississippian Textile Evidence on FabricImpressed Ceramics from Mound Bottom Tennessee. 160 .
Late Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Upper Great Lakes ...
either sex. We can use a simple index of ceramics to chipped stone as a rough . Late Woodland sites which have been tested, but not yet analyzed, by Michigan . In the case of the Juntunen site this pattern can be projected back, with some .
Complete List of All UMMA Publications
Jan 31, 2012 . Archaeology and Ceramics at the Marksville Site, by Alan Toth. . The Juntunen Site and the Late Woodland Prehistory of the Upper Great .
Final Environmental Assessment and Notice of Wetland Involvement ...
3-1. 3.1.3. Woodland Tradition: 2800 B.P. to 750-700 B.P. . . The rifting never fully pulled the continent apart and by the late Middle Proterozoic, . frequently defined by the absence of pottery containers, the presence of burials in natural knolls or flat . Creek, and Juntunen phases (Brose 1978:570-571; Fitting 1979: 112).
Midwest Archaeological Conference
Functional Analysis of Woodland Pottery and Decoration along the South Shore of Lake . Component Late Woodland Site on Mackinac Island, Michigan .
Michigan Archaeological Society - Recording a Site
For descriptions of Late Woodland ceramics, the beginner should consult Fitting . The Juntunen Site and the Late Woodland Prehistory of the Upper Great .
Delineating the spatial and temporal boundaries of Late Woodland ...
The first hypothesis claims that Late Woodland groups introduced collared . Pratt 1981; Stothers 1995) also note similarities to Juntunen ceramics in the north .
Spring Creek Site - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
. a certain type of Late Woodland period pottery produced by the Ottawa tribe. . :298 It contrasts greatly with sites such as northern Michigan's Juntunen Site: .
Late Prehistoric Cultural Affiliation Study - National Park Service
Geographical distribution of Peninsular Woodland Geographical distribution ofJuntunen ceramics...................... .. I9. Juntunen Geographical distribution of Huron .
remains have been utilized to reconstruct the changing regional Late Woodland diet. late Woodland pottery from the Great lakes. Information from the Juntunen .
RESUME CLAIRE MCHALE MILNER Curator and Director of ...
Ceramic Style, Social Differentiation, and Resource Uncertainty in the . 1994 Regional identity and interregional interaction during the Juntunen Phase, . 1984 (Claire McHale Milner and John M. O'Shea) The Late Woodland in northeast .
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with the abundant ceramics receiving de- . material is largely Late Woodland and a ra- diocarbon date . contemporary assemblages at the Juntenen site and .