coleman franken court case outcome
Will Court Decide Coleman-Franken Case Today? - Washington ...
Jun 18, 2009 . Will Court Decide Coleman-Franken Case Today? . Supreme Court will announce a highly anticipated decision today in the contested Senate .
Coleman-Franken trial: Week Six ends with an avalanche of ...
Mar 6, 2009 . Coleman-Franken trial: Week Six ends with an avalanche of . Let's await the outcome of the newly counted ballots and the case will be over.
The Coleman-Franken Court Arguments - NYTimes.com
Jun 1, 2009 . A case like Coleman v. Franken has some of us hearkening back wistfully to another famous court battle waged to settle a disputed election.
Election Law @ Moritz (Litigation: Coleman v. Franken)
Courts that Heard this Case: Ramsey County District Court (Case 62-CV-09-56); Minnesota Supreme Court . Decision granted in favor of Franken on 4/13.
Franken vs. Coleman: The Final Round in Minnesota -- Maybe - TIME
Jun 2, 2009 . A decision in Coleman's favor would send the case back to lower courts to reinterpret the standard for including absentee ballots. "The trial and .
Minnesota Senate Seat '08 Election - Minnesota Judicial Branch
Franken (Supreme Court Case #A09-697, District Court Case #62-CV-09-56) . Norm Coleman, Petitioner vs. the Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Michelle .
Mar 31, 2009 . Finding seen likely to favor Franken; Coleman Attorneys vow to appeal. . likely grounds for being opened, counted and added to the final results, . By the close of trial Coleman identified 1,360 unopened absentee ballots he .
Week five of Coleman-Franken trial: Has Coleman proved his case ...
Feb 27, 2009 . Week five of Coleman-Franken trial: Has Coleman proved his case? . historic decision; by Monday they will have heard all the Coleman team .
Coleman-Franken recount trial: The wait continues ... What's it mean ...
Mar 27, 2009 . Coleman-Franken recount trial: The wait continues . . The wait could mean that any decision announced next week or later will be .
Breaking News: Minnesota Supreme Court Decides Coleman-Franken
Jun 30, 2009 . The bottom line is that the Court says that Franken is entitled to an . I will post additional analysis as an update to this post after I read the decision. . And no one should begrudge Norm Coleman for fighting this case as hard .
Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Case in Court; Coleman Concedes ...
Jun 30, 2009 . Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Case in Court; Coleman Concedes . As the results trickle in, the race is too close to call between Coleman .
Minnesota Supreme Court Decision on Coleman / Franken Case ...
Jun 18, 2009 . It now appears that the Minnesota Supreme Court decision involving the disputed election contest between Republican Norm Coleman and .
Coleman-Franken: The Trial. Get your scorecard here! Get your ...
Coleman-Franken: The Trial. Get your scorecard here! Get your program here! By Jay Weiner | 01/23/09. Three judge panel. AP Photo/Jim Mone. A long-awaited .
Minn. high court hears Senate case arguments - politics - More ...
Jun 1, 2009 . Republican Norm Coleman is asking the Minnesota Supreme Court to toss . If Franken doesn't like the result, he could ask the Senate itself to .
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008 - Wikipedia, the ...
Coleman's appeal of the panel's decision to the Minnesota Supreme Court was . Franken's attorneys also argued that the case should not go to trial because .