obama inauguration national emergency
Bush Declares State of Emergency for Inauguration - NYTimes.com
Jan 13, 2009 . 20 that will make Mr. Obama the nation's first black president. The government has already set . Bush Declares "Emergency" For Inauguration .
Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (Joint), S1399 [5MR]. Committee to . National Emergency Relative to CoAE3te D'Ivoire: President Obama, S347 [6FE] .
Current List of President Obama's Executive Orders
4 days ago . Following the Obama Administration for the Official Term of 1,461 days. . Executive Order: Assignment of National Security and Emergency .
Inauguration of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States . For the first time, the committee opened the entire length of the National Mall as . W. Bush declared a federal state of emergency as a precaution so that funds .
Obama Inauguration Deployment - Elton Strauss, MD
Apr 21, 2011. emergencies during the inauguration of president-elect Obama, . of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) for the past three years.
DNC delegates get Obama inaugural book, iPad cases | Des ...
Sep 5, 2012 . Iowa delegates to the Democratic National Convention received Barack Obama: The Official Inaugural Book, a coffee-table sized picture .
Swine Flu Emergency: What Obama's Declaration Means ...
Oct 27, 2009 . The National Emergencies Act of 1976 adds various safeguards, one . of severe overcrowding during Obama's inauguration in January 2009.
The Obama Presidency
An inauguration is not an emergency . It's not exactly Watergate but Barack Obama's inauguration was back in the dock today after it emerged . Missteps in a Majestic Week: I tuned in to Wednesday's National Prayer Service at Washington .
inauguration_jokes - barackobamajokes
Q. Why did George Bush declare a state of emergency for Barack Obama's inauguration? A. Because everyone knows it's a national disaster. Q. What's an .
the president's historic first year in quotes
From Barack Obama's inauguration speech, Jan. 20, 2009, after being . Obama , in declaring a national emergency in response to the spread of swine flu .
Your Wallet, Facing National Emergency Powers - Heartland Institute
Apr 27, 2012 . Obama's use of the national emergency phrase during an . Franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated for his first presidential term on .
Slide 0
Haiti Earthquake; American Samoa Tsunami; President Obama Inauguration; Republican and . National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement .
Replies - Tea Party Command Center
Posted by National Director, Dee on September 12, 2012 at 4:36pm in Media . president (read Tyrant-in-Chief) as a result of some unspecified national emergency. And didn't Obama's first post inaugural visit consist of a run to see Hugo?
President Obama declares federal emergencies in those areas of ...
Aug 30, 2012 . Alex Jones Tv 1/2:Obama's "National Emergency" Violates the Constitution . House website whitehouse.gov just after Obama's inauguration.
Obama: Counterterrorist-in-Chief | Hoover Institution
Jul 19, 2012 . A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the . between our safety and our ideals, he said in his inaugural address.