men vs women population in austrailia
1370.0 - Measures of Australia's Progress, 2010
Jul 14, 2011 . (b) Proportion of civilian population aged 15 years and over. . the proportion of women who were working compared with men (55% of women .
What is the percentage of the population is homosexuals and ...
1.4% of women and 0.9% of men said they were bisexual. Source: The 2003 'Sex in Australia' survey of 20,000 people, with a special weighting to Sydney's .
Color blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Color blindness affects a significant percentage of the population. . In Australia, for example, it occurs in about 8 percent of males and only about 0.4 . 10.5 million men and 0.4 percent of the female population either cannot distinguish red .
3235.5.55.001 - Population by Age and Sex, Western Australia ...
Jul 23, 2007 . 3235.5.55.001 - Population by Age and Sex, Western Australia . This growth reflects the increasing life expectancy of both men and women.
GeoHive - Male / Female distribution
Total Population by Gender and Gender ratio, by Country .
Demographics of Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Australia's age and gender structure in 2005, illustrated in a population pyramid. Much of . Total: 37.3 years: Male: 36.6 years: Female: 38.1 years (2009 est.) .
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia suffering 'man drought'
Aug 30, 2008 . Australia's coastal regions have been hit by man shortages . in the coastal cities, where women have moved seeking better jobs and lifestyles, .
List of countries by sex ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Countries with the same number of males and females. Countries with more . total population. Blue represents more women, red more men than the world average of 1.01 males/female. . The human sex ratio is the number of males for each female in a population. This is a list of . Australia, 1.055, 1.05, 1.03, 0.84, 1, 1.06 .
Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tables comparing several U.S. cities' population numbers are also included. . 5.1 Australia; 5.2 Canada; 5.3 Denmark; 5.4 France; 5.5 Ireland; 5.6 Norway; 5.7 United . Half the men and two thirds of the women who had same-sex sexual .
What is the population of men and women in Australia in 2009
What is the population of men and women in France 2009? as to the 1st of January, 2009, the French population is: women : 32 214 697 men : 30 234 280 .
Men and women in the populations of OECD countries
Men and women in the populations of OECD countries. Did you know? Up to their early teens, boys slightly outnumber girls in all the OECD countries. In the .
A population-based survey in Australia of men's and women's ...
Apr 13, 2011 . A population-based survey in Australia of men's and women's perceptions of genetic risk and predictive genetic testing and implications for .
Agein yet diverse: the changing shape of Australia's population
Australia's population has increased more than fivefold since the beginning . The difference in men's and women's life expectancy widened from. 3.7 years at .
Gender divide: Australia's men and women capitals | News.com.au
Jul 17, 2012 . QUIT looking for men and women in all the wrong places. . Territory is Australia's man capital - men make up 84 per cent of the population in .
Population shift needed to solve Aussie 'man dams' - The Independent
Aug 27, 2008 . According to the latest statistics, there are nearly 100,000 more women than men in Australia, which has a population of 21 million, and the .